I'm Kathleen Fritz and my work ranges from installation art and environmental design to social enterprise. I seek to immerse people in the potential of design to engage cultural and environmental systems.
I recently returned from a 2011-2012 Fulbright-Nehru visiting scholar fellowship in Bangalore, India. Working with Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology students in the Professional Development Program, I facilitated the development of ATOM| Art To Many Project: an art and design instruction tool-kit to be used at the Communities Rising after-school programs in rural Tamil Nadu. I have worked 10 years as a designer, taught as a professor at the Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA from 2007 to 2011 and am a co-founding member of the material reclamation non-profit, Emergent Structures, Inc. Prior to a career in design, I worked 10 years as a Mental Health Case Manager as an advocate and trainer for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. I received a BA in Psychology from Gordon College and Master of Interior Design from the Boston Architectural College. I was the recipient of the Interior Design Education Council 2011 Merritt of Distinction Award for the interactive installation the Willing Room: Poetic Projections of Home. I've presented Re-Envisioning the National Park Experience at both the 2009 EDRA 40 (Environmental Design Research Association) conference in Kansas City, Mo and at the 2009 SECAC (South Eastern Conference of Art Colleges) in Mobile AL. I've also presented Pecha Kucha's at both the American Institute of Architects Georgia Annual Conference in 2010 on building material reclamation and at the American Center in New Dehli, India in 2011 on Global Perspective =>Innovation in Thought. My Fulbright work on ATOM|Art to Many Project was presented at the International Design Principles and Practices conference at UCLA in January 2012 and my current work on Educator Peer Mentoring in art and design thinking through CREATOMbuilder was just presented at the SITE conference in New Orleans, LA March 27, 2013 To view my CV please click on the attachment below |