The Night Wife
The natural world
the time when
all slips below
a hush of
leaves or a
canopy of trees
a darkened sea.
At the door
she first arrives
wings dotted, beating
tapping out messages
in 3:4 time.
The night wife
in small hours
and street lights
through screen doors
on front steps
she greets you
without questions
or quiet judgements
at eye level
her abdomen exposed.
Wednesday, 2/5/2014
7:43 am
24 E. 45th Street
The natural world
the time when
all slips below
a hush of
leaves or a
canopy of trees
a darkened sea.
At the door
she first arrives
wings dotted, beating
tapping out messages
in 3:4 time.
The night wife
in small hours
and street lights
through screen doors
on front steps
she greets you
without questions
or quiet judgements
at eye level
her abdomen exposed.
Wednesday, 2/5/2014
7:43 am
24 E. 45th Street