I have placed
a bookmark at
your favorite passage
in a manuscript
of letters and jingles
corners bent
on page 23
of a war fiction
something to come back
to in a comfortable chair
the smell of linen
binding and thin
white word layers
I only write things
that feel true
in the margins and
underline whole paragraphs
in pencil
double underscoring
historic landmarks I
visited with my father
skyscrapers, Chartres
the bridge over the Danube
now settling as
a backdrop remembrance
a feeling once
before I had marked
on a page.
14 June 2015
In bed with a 5 AM alarm
I have placed
a bookmark at
your favorite passage
in a manuscript
of letters and jingles
corners bent
on page 23
of a war fiction
something to come back
to in a comfortable chair
the smell of linen
binding and thin
white word layers
I only write things
that feel true
in the margins and
underline whole paragraphs
in pencil
double underscoring
historic landmarks I
visited with my father
skyscrapers, Chartres
the bridge over the Danube
now settling as
a backdrop remembrance
a feeling once
before I had marked
on a page.
14 June 2015
In bed with a 5 AM alarm